Micronesia Challenge Photo Contest
In 2006, Governor Benigno Fitial joined the leaders of Palau, Guam, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands to sign the Declaration of Commitment to the Micronesia Challenge. He pledged that the CNMI would work "to effectively conserve 30% of our near shore resources and 20% of our forest resources by 2020."
A CNMI Outreach & Education Committee is charged with publicly promoting the goals and activities of the Micronesia Challenge. Composed of representatives from government, environmental non-profits, and other members of the community, the Committee is seeking photographs to use in outreach materials.
In order to obtain as wide a variety of high quality photos as possible about the CNMI, the Committee hereby announces the “Micronesia Challenge Photo Contest”.
•Photos must relate to the Micronesia Challenge and must be taken within the CNMI.
•Photos can be professional or amateur. The content of the photos is up to the artist.
•Photos can be underwater, terrestrial, or aerial, can be natural and/or include wildlife, flora, or different types of people such as children, locals, and tourists in different settings. Other possible photos can show the effects on the environment of poor management and good management practices.
•Suggested themes from past and present campaigns that may help the artist come up with ideas include:
1.What we do on the land can affect our marine environment
2.More Fish, Less Pollution
3.Let Our Islands Shine
4.Our Environment: Our Health, Our Future.
•Photos must be digital and emailed to angelovillagomez@gmail.com.
•Each artist is allowed to submit up to 10 photos.
•Photos become the property of the Micronesia Challenge Outreach and Education Committee.
•The best photos will be showcased on a website with appropriate photo credit give to the contributing artist.
Prizes are yet to be announced, but the top 10 artists will receive a Beautify CNMI gift pack.
Contest ends August 20th at 5 PM, followed by the announcement of the winners August 24th at a Happy Hour Panel Discussion with government and non-government officials involved with the implementation of the Challenge. If you have any questions, please contact Angelo Villagomez at 483-1078.