I am going up there tomorrow with Jeremy Shaw from DEQ to get a closer look. I'll post some pictures either tomorrow or in the next couple of days.
I was down at Lao Lao today because I was helping Jeremy inspect the stream beds in the Lao Lao watershed for suitable water quality sample sites.
Nine streams drain the Lao Lao watershed. Some of the streams are more accessible than others, so we need to find locations that will be safe and easy for volunteers to access.
There is a coral aggregate road in Lao Lao that runs down from San Vicente, then parallel to the beach, then finally up to Kagman. The nine streams are numbered 1-9 from South to North along this road. With the exception of Stream 1, all of the streams cross this road (Stream 1 runs parallel to the road). We want to sample each of the streams upstream of the road and then downstream of the road. That will give us an idea of which streams are dumping the most sediment into Lao Lao Bay and whether or not the sediment is coming from the road or from further up in the watershed.
Some of the streams drain the revegetation area (the recently burned revegetation area) and some of the streams drain vegetated areas. Streams 1 and 9 probably drain the coral aggregate roads that they parallel. Once we collect all of our data, we'll have an idea of how much sediment would naturally flow into Lao Lao, how much sediment is added to the water when the upland areas are burned and/or non-vegetated, and how much sediment coral aggregate roads add to stormwater.
This information will eventually help guide us towards the Best Management Practices to protect the coral reefs from stormwater runoff.
I took several pictures of the stream beds, but the only ones that came out clear were the ones from Stream 1. So here a few pictures from Stream 1:

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